GS FAME held another webinar entitled “Improve Your Skills to Overcome Challenges in the Digital Era” hosted by Mr. Nathanael Santoso, Founder & CEO of goKampus. Nathan gave an overview of the development of an increasingly sophisticated world of technology. He also explained about what necessary skills everyone must have to compete and face various challenges in the digital era.
The resource speaker emphasized the 3 skills that are urgently needed at this time, namely: Digital Literacy (ability to adapt to technological developments); Analytical Skills (ability to analyze situations and data); and Problem Solving Skills (ability to solve problems).

The webinar was attended by around 100 participants consisting of high school students, college students, and the general public from various provinces in Indonesia. The participants were very enthusiastic during the webinar and many asked questions. At the end of the webinar, Nathan encouraged everyone to have high curiosity, to always be willing to learn, and to never give up.
Thank you @lienathanaelsantoso for inspiring us all and thank you to all the participants. See you next time!